A Better Block is Coming to Phoenix
Imagine a perfect day riding your bike down a street lined with trees and endless shade, you wave to a friend who is enjoying a cup of coffee outside your favorite café. The sidewalks are busy with neighbors exploring the different shops and enjoying the sounds of the street performers. You make a stop at the market before hopping back on your bike to zip home. Now, imagine a similar street here in Phoenix...not many to choose from right? We find ourselves hopping in our cars to drive long distances just to go to the mall or to buy groceries. Many are taken aback by the sight of someone walking down our hot, unsafe streets. So what can we do as a community to change the way we live in Phoenix? What can we do to activate our sidewalks and to get people to really live? First, let's stop thinking and start doing! Local community activists have come together and decided to do just that. Better Block PHX is coming, and we'd like you to join us in bringing the Phoenix streets to life!
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